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simulation components, logic, intelligence, patterns
AIB2 Components - CSV Data Feed
Category: Utility
The CSV Data Feed component allows the row by row reading of an existing data spreadsheet. By specifying the csv file, the component automatically exposes an input for each of the columns of data, with the name of the input set at the header of the column. When the simulator runs, each cycle will cause the row reader pointer to advance by one, effectively feeding each row of data into the system for consumption by other components. Various information about the size and state of file and read operation are also exposed, allowing dynamic decisions about further reading to be made via custom system logic. One of the most useful outputs is the enabled output, which effectively flags when the end of the file has been reached. Components can use this value to determine when computation should end on exposed values. Also, in the Data Import properties dialog box, the option to repeat at end of file is presented. This allows the read operation to repeat at the first row of data when the end of file is reached. This is useful when training other components or tuning system to ideal positions.

  Inputs: 1
Input Name:
On Off
Boolean input of zero or non-zero value that either enables or disables importing of a row of data from the selected csv spreadsheet file. If this is zero, no importing will be done. Default is OFF.


  Outputs: 4
Output Name:
Boolean output of 1 or 0, ON or OFF, representing a data row read event. If this is ON, then a row of data was just read and made available at the outputs.
Data Cols (variables)
The number of data columns (items) in a row of data in the specified spreadsheet that are being loaded at each read event.
Data Rows (vectors)
The total number of lines (rows) that are in the specified data file.
Current Row
The current row that has been read and is being presented by the outputs.


  Components in Same Category: Timer
Counter Reset on Value
Counter Reset on Event
Constant (k)
RandNum Generator
Integrated Logbook
Match Count
Sim Action Stop
Sim Action Sound
Sim Action Message
Sim Info SimTime
Sim Info Count
Sim Info LocalTime
User Control Button
Data Value Storage
Diminishing Quantity
Sim Action Format
Indicator Light
7-Segment LED
Integrated Column Chart
8x8 LED Controller
8x8 LED Display
User Button Up Down
Dynamic Sim Value
Do Once

  Sample Files with this Component:

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